"Everything in life is vibration.” - Albert Einstein
Sound Bath with Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls
Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls, notes A through G correlate to each of the seven Chakras
Would you like to feel BLISSED OUT?
Stop worrying about the past or trying to control the future. Instead, take an hour off the grid and feel absolutely content in the present moment. Restore balance in your life, rejuvenate your spirit and give every cell in your body a massage with the power of sound vibration.
Many years ago, when Kristin experienced the transcendental effects of sounds baths, she knew she'd discovered the perfect way to stay happy and grounded in her stressful and chaotic show business career. She started by playing the quartz crystal bowls for friends and family - to help quell fear and anxiety, and bring in feelings of calmness, clarity and well-being. The response was so overwhelmingly positive, that she created Sound Bath Bliss & Breathwork, and holds events open to the community.
Breathwork is a type of circular connected breathing that shifts consciousness and allows participants to tap into repressed emotions; the pain/hurt/anger/sadness we want to let go of, but even more importantly, trauma buried so deep we don't even know it's running our lives. Kristin tried breathwork for the first time in 2001, and it profoundly changed her life. After her epiphany, she learned breathwork has been around for ages, and facilitates an immediate release of that of which no longer serves us. Not only does breathwork engender powerful transformation and paradigm shifts, but many people experience euphoria at the conclusion of the session.
SOUND BATH - Saturday, March 29th at 11:00am and Friday, April 25th at 7:00pm at the Philosophical Research Society in Los Feliz — $34 in advance / $40 at the door
Do you find it difficult to meditate, but you feel the need to stop the “monkey mind” and connect within? A sound bath is like a “forced meditation.” As your brainwaves slow down, shifting from an active Beta state to a more relaxed & dream-like Alpha state, tap into your unlimited creativity and attract the life you desire.
FULL MOON SOUND BATH - FRIDAYS at 7:00pm: March 14th & April 11th at the Philosophical Research Society in Los Feliz — $34 in advance / $40 at the door
Spend an evening relaxing, transforming and healing. Harness the power of the MOON on these special nights.
VALENTINE’S EVE SOUND BATH - Thursday, February 13th at 7:00pm at the Philosophical Research Society in Los Feliz — $34 in advance / $40 at the door
Celebrate LOVE!
BREATHWORK & SOUND BATH COMBO - DATE TBD at the Philosophical Research Society in Los Feliz - $40 in advance / $50 at the door
Ready for a massive shift in your life? Breathe away trauma you didn’t even know was running you and breathe in the life of your dreams.
TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE IN A DAY - WORKSHOP with Breathwork & Sound Bath - Date TBD from 9:30am-5:30pm at The Philosophical Research Society in Los Feliz - $175
Are you ready to catapult forward in your life? This 1-day workshop will help you achieve the love, success and joy you deserve.
DONATION SOUND BATH - Date TBD at The Philosophical Research Society in Los Feliz
Come to a transformative, relaxing and healing hour-long Sound Bath.
Relaxation - Stress Reduction - Peace of Mind - Creative Inspiration Improved Sleep - Physical & Mental Healing - Enhanced Energy Forgiveness & Release from Guilt - Relief from Depression & Anxiety Increased Productivity & Focus - Empathy & Understanding
Sign up to receive invites to upcoming Sound Bath and Breathwork sessions:
Private or Corporate Sound Bath or Breathwork sessions
Kristin offers Private Sounds Bath or Breathwork sessions in the comfort of your home - for individuals, couples, families or groups. Kristin also offers Sound Baths or Breathwork sessions for Corporate functions or Retreats... a great way to manage stress and help employees feel more balanced and happier. To schedule a session or get information on rates, contact Kristin at: soundbathbliss@gmail.com
Kristin Palombo plays her Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls during a private in-home Sound Bath
Mission Statement
Singing bowls have become extremely popular in this time when rational, masculine thinking has reached it’s highest point in our high tech, Western world. The feminine bowls can help connect us to love, warmth, art, wisdom and the divine. In this turbulent, commercial age, we feel an irresistible nostalgia for primal experiences, especially those that establish a link with the earth, the cosmos, humanity and the deeper essence in ourselves.
Breathwork is an ancient modality, a type of conscious connected breathing, that enables deep trauma release and feelings of euphoria. To quote her teacher Jon Paul Crimi, “It’s 20 years of therapy in one hour, and you don’t even have to speak.”
Kristin's goal is to provide affordable and transcendent Sound Baths and Breathwork sessions, in order to help people be restored to balance and gratitude. And as we heal as individuals, the collective ripple effect will alter the course of the world for the better.
Are You New to Sound Baths or Breathwork?
Kristin creates a safe and nurturing environment for recharging and deep transformation. What's so remarkable about Sound Baths and Breathwork is that even first-timers can experience massive benefits. The best part is, Sound Baths don't require the discipline that meditation does. You don't have to be a well-practiced yogi or self-care practitioner in order to have an enlightening and satisfying experience. Sound is immediate and has a direct impact on our whole being… you simply lie down, close your eyes and let the sacred sounds of the Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls encompass you. And you’ve certainly done something a lot harder than lying on the floor breathing, right? Both are profoundly effective tools that take you through a gateway on a cathartic and revitalizing journey.
How Does Sound Vibration Work?
Your ‘vibration’ is a fancy way of describing your overall state of being. Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even things that look solid are made up of vibrational energy fields at the quantum level. This includes you. The higher your vibration, the happier and healthier you are.
Quartz crystal singing bowls produce pure sound vibration, which effect the body and brain, creating a resonance that fosters healing and allows consciousness to travel into altered states of awareness. During this state, profound relaxation and therapeutic benefits can be expected.
"One reason sound heals on a physical level is because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes."
"Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder. It may calm the mind and therefore the body; or it may have emotional effects, which influence neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, which in turn help to regulate the immune system - the healer within."